Saturday so far a day of sunshine and walking. Walked to Sorticulture at Legion Park. Very wet ground to walk on but beautiful plants and art work. Saw a fuchsia the size of my palm of hand. Boy I remember popping the small ones and getting yelled at by mom as a kid. It was all I could do not to pop the big one, but I behaved.
I then drove to Arlington to Show and Shine car show. I was so great to see all the old cars shining so bright in the sunlight. I was taking pictures of a candy apple truck and overheard the people behind me say that my hair was the color of the truck and shiny too. It is kinda fun to have red hair. : ) My favorite was the old mustang.
I spent the rest of the day just wandering Arlington and Smokey Point. New gps, new gravel for aquarium. My fish are going to hate getting the aquarium cleaned but will love the new rocks.
And to think this just tops off the excellent evening with friends last night. A little shopping and ok braeaking a chicken at the store and then a good movie with laughter. Looking forward to Sunday and what it brings.
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