

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

31 days

31 days

Count down to the bazaar has started in my mind. So much to still do. So much to plan yet. It will be done.

I really don't know why I have volunteered for the last 3 years to cordinate the annual bazaar but God has His plans.

I am a follower, a behind the scenes helper not a leader. Leader defined as a person or thing that leads. I hate to lead. Let me help you. It is so hard to ask for help or volunteers.

I feel really good about the bazaar. New Chef. New ideas. New people sewing.

I am looking forward to cooking with Becca, Sewing with the ladies. Setting up the trivia room with Mari Dee. Working with Lorna and price things after the morning ladies have set up. Then them getting mad at us. We just giggle. It is times like this that make the set up and worrying about the bazaar fun.

31 days to go...................

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to bake with you too Peggy!! I talked to my mom and Ellie can help too! So fun! :D

    I also wanted you to know that I am thankful that you head up the bazaar!! Its such a great chance for us to mingle with people in the community and use the amazing talents that God has given the people in our Church. :) December just wouldn't be the same without the Christmas bazaar! I hope you know that all the work you're doing is SO important and doesn't go unnoticed!! :) Love you!
