So many people will be having new goals for the new year, but I decide to plan to do 13 activities this year. Just because it will be 2013.
So here are my thirteen activities
1. Visit Leavenworth Washington. Not just to spend a hour or so but the whole day exploring the town
2. Pedicure, I have never had one. I don't like my toes and so I have stayed away. This year I will get one done.
3. Travel to Seattle Washington just to wander and take pictures a few time during the year.
4. Ride the San Juan Ferry and visit Friday Harbor.
5. Hike the Lime Kiln trail out of Granite Falls
6. Visit the Big Four Ice Caves. Again live here and never been.
7. Hurricane Ridge. What to go on a clear day.
8. Ride the Seattle Great Wheel. I would love to ride during the day as well as at night.
9. Visit Butchart Gardens in Canada in the Spring and Winter.. My goal is to visit each season.
10. Visit Mount St. Helens
11. Go to Multnomah Falls
12. See the Fremont Troll.
13. Go up in a Hot air balloon. I have the tickets just waiting for the day.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
November is one of my favorite and saddest months of the year.
It is my favorite for my Dad and I would go to the Auto show in the Kingdome. Hearing the ads this year just made me think of Dad.
1984 In the Kingdome walking among the new cars. I was 20 years old and working my first real job. My dad and I were just spending a Friday evening out.
Entering the Kingdome you see all the shiny cars, trucks and neon signs from all the dealerships. We start walking. Open car doors, looking inside at all the 1985 new cars when my eyes landed on a 1985 Plymouth Voyager gray with blue interior. I spend over an hour looking at everything about this car. Mind you I was not out to buy but dream yes.
Why would a 20 year old female want a 7 passenger minivan? I just did.
We looked some more and came back to the minivan. This time I left my name with the dealer and we went home.
The phone rang early Saturday morning. The dealership, The minivan was advertised in auto section of the Seattle Times and if I came down to the dealership I could test drive the minivan from the Kingdome. My dad and I left for North Seattle. I drove the minivan, I drooled over the minivan and dad said to me " you can use the dodge dart for trade in, and I will cosign a loan."
I was in awe, I was going in debt, I was getting a brand new minivan.
I had my brother's both say "Why did you get a minivan??" My minivan carried youth group, moved many people, went on a trip to Colorado without me, and on many road trips. Oh I miss my minivan.
I had it 11 years when it got totaled in an accident.
My dad use to like to go to the auto show and home shows. Of course to tag along has given me some great memories.
As for the sad November is the month that my dad died. In 1995 He went home to heaven to join my mom.
Thank you Dad for the awesome memories.
It is my favorite for my Dad and I would go to the Auto show in the Kingdome. Hearing the ads this year just made me think of Dad.
1984 In the Kingdome walking among the new cars. I was 20 years old and working my first real job. My dad and I were just spending a Friday evening out.
Entering the Kingdome you see all the shiny cars, trucks and neon signs from all the dealerships. We start walking. Open car doors, looking inside at all the 1985 new cars when my eyes landed on a 1985 Plymouth Voyager gray with blue interior. I spend over an hour looking at everything about this car. Mind you I was not out to buy but dream yes.
Why would a 20 year old female want a 7 passenger minivan? I just did.
We looked some more and came back to the minivan. This time I left my name with the dealer and we went home.
The phone rang early Saturday morning. The dealership, The minivan was advertised in auto section of the Seattle Times and if I came down to the dealership I could test drive the minivan from the Kingdome. My dad and I left for North Seattle. I drove the minivan, I drooled over the minivan and dad said to me " you can use the dodge dart for trade in, and I will cosign a loan."
I was in awe, I was going in debt, I was getting a brand new minivan.
I had it 11 years when it got totaled in an accident.
My dad use to like to go to the auto show and home shows. Of course to tag along has given me some great memories.
As for the sad November is the month that my dad died. In 1995 He went home to heaven to join my mom.
Thank you Dad for the awesome memories.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
It has been quite awhilte since I have been writing. Spring and Summer flew by so fast. What ever happened to as you get older things slow down? My life has not. Until last week. I get to that later.
Not to much this spring happened. I have taken some sewing classes and learned alot.
Summer had a couple of camping trips and my birthday and a wedding on the first day of fall.
A quiet lake, Loved sitting there in the morning with my friends and just watch the fog roll by and lift.
The geese running for the food. So entertaining to watch.
The brave or not so smart swimmers in the lake. Brrr it looked cold, but they swan and the went to the dock and jumped in.
The Cascade mountain range.
The next camp was our church family camp. This one is so much fun. I get to camp with my friends in a small tent city.
Setting up a tent, one of many.
Fort Ebey State Park has twisted trees. From years of being beaten by the winds of the Straight of Juan de Fuca
The sun setting the first night
Looking down the cliffs. It is so amazing the power of the water and the beauty of the area God has made the Northwest a masterpiece of art.
We hiked down the path to the beach.
Some swam. Others looked out for whales and other sea creatures.
The whole Westminster Family campers and visitors. 2012
Not to much this spring happened. I have taken some sewing classes and learned alot.
Summer had a couple of camping trips and my birthday and a wedding on the first day of fall.
A quiet lake, Loved sitting there in the morning with my friends and just watch the fog roll by and lift.
The geese running for the food. So entertaining to watch.
The brave or not so smart swimmers in the lake. Brrr it looked cold, but they swan and the went to the dock and jumped in.
The Cascade mountain range.
The next camp was our church family camp. This one is so much fun. I get to camp with my friends in a small tent city.
Setting up a tent, one of many.
Fort Ebey State Park has twisted trees. From years of being beaten by the winds of the Straight of Juan de Fuca
Brothers looking down the cliff
Looking down the cliffs. It is so amazing the power of the water and the beauty of the area God has made the Northwest a masterpiece of art.
We hiked down the path to the beach.
Some swam. Others looked out for whales and other sea creatures.
The whole Westminster Family campers and visitors. 2012
The Family.
After Family Camp we all helped get Hannah and Aaron ready for their wedding.
It was a beautiful night.
So after all that my life has slowed down almost to a stop. I had surgery last week. A total hysterectomy, down by Robotic da Vinci (laproscopic) hysterectomy! At Overlake Hospital. This was the first major surgery I have had. I have day surgeries and oral surgery but staying over night in the hospital scared me the most. I can never thank Jeanne for taking me to the hospital, staying overnight and then opening her home for me to recover at. Thank you so Much Timothy and Jeanne, Gladys and Joe, Daphne and Eva, Esther, Hannah and Aaron. and Peter.
I have to stop my self and remember that I had surgery. I feel so much better over all. no more constant pain. With only 5 , inch long incisions it is so easy to want to do more that my body is ready to do. So to say my life has slowed downed.
I guess I will have to accept it and enjoy because it will get to flying away from me soon. I will be wanting down time.
Thank you all who have prayed and visited and texted and called.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
So I have not written anything lately so here is some updates.
I finally got my tattoo. I have wanted one for 20 some years. I know I said I wanted a Winnie the Pooh but got my favorite verse in a banner on a cross.
My Tattoo upside down. |
Celebrated the Fourth of July in Everett. Started with breakfast with Esther. Then on to the parade.
For the evening went to Snohomish and celebrated with my friends aka family. All the good food and watching the games. Found this flower just hanging around.
Flowing Lake. Came here for a picnic with friends. Just to tire the kids and enjoy the sunshine. |
So onto the rest of the weekend.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
After spending the day with my cats this hymn came to mind.
So I research a little. Written by St, Francis of Assisi. He had a great love of nature. So many of the nature written in the hymn we have here in the Pacific Northwest.
Oh praise to God for all nature.
Oh praise to God for all nature.
All Creatures Of Our God And King Hymn
All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light.
Dear mother earth, who day by day
Unfoldest blessings on our way,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
The flowers and fruits that in thee grow,
Let them His glory also show.
And all ye men of tender heart,
Forgiving others, take your part,
O sing ye! Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
Praise God and on Him cast your care!
And thou most kind and gentle Death,
Waiting to hush our latest breath,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou leadest home the child of God,
And Christ our Lord the way hath trod.
Let all things their Creator bless,
And worship Him in humbleness,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
And praise the Spirit, Three in One!
Lift up your voice and with us sing,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light.
Dear mother earth, who day by day
Unfoldest blessings on our way,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
The flowers and fruits that in thee grow,
Let them His glory also show.
And all ye men of tender heart,
Forgiving others, take your part,
O sing ye! Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
Praise God and on Him cast your care!
And thou most kind and gentle Death,
Waiting to hush our latest breath,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou leadest home the child of God,
And Christ our Lord the way hath trod.
Let all things their Creator bless,
And worship Him in humbleness,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
And praise the Spirit, Three in One!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Reading and thinking.
Have you ever read something that just made you feel that it was written just for you? I have.
I am reading The God who sees you by Tammy Maltby and Anne Christian Buchanan.
There is a chapter that really hit home. That even in the darkest moment of my life God was there. God constructed my life but gave me choices. We all make wrong choices but for me, my wrong choices really bug me. How could I have not seen how my choice was going to play out. I know that God is there at all times. He sees what no one else sees.
We all hide things from others. I know I do. God knows it all. He is always prepared to be there for me. Nothing I do can be kept from God.
Does God sit back and shakes His head at our lives. No He is there with open arms to give the best hugs. He forgives us for all our sins.
I have been so looking forward to the rest of the book until I saw the next chapter. Just the title put tears in my eyes. You're Worth It. This is what the Gospels are about. The God of the universe see me as someone worth it all. Even death of His son on the cross. The chapter ends with this "God really does see you - your past, your present and your future, your possibilities,He is painfully aware of your sins and failures but rejoices over you hidden good deeds and best intents."
Wow think about this. As the Father He made you and adopted you into His family.
As the Son He thought you were worth dying for. As the Spirit, He chooses to live within you. Wow.
I am reading The God who sees you by Tammy Maltby and Anne Christian Buchanan.
There is a chapter that really hit home. That even in the darkest moment of my life God was there. God constructed my life but gave me choices. We all make wrong choices but for me, my wrong choices really bug me. How could I have not seen how my choice was going to play out. I know that God is there at all times. He sees what no one else sees.
We all hide things from others. I know I do. God knows it all. He is always prepared to be there for me. Nothing I do can be kept from God.
Does God sit back and shakes His head at our lives. No He is there with open arms to give the best hugs. He forgives us for all our sins.
I have been so looking forward to the rest of the book until I saw the next chapter. Just the title put tears in my eyes. You're Worth It. This is what the Gospels are about. The God of the universe see me as someone worth it all. Even death of His son on the cross. The chapter ends with this "God really does see you - your past, your present and your future, your possibilities,He is painfully aware of your sins and failures but rejoices over you hidden good deeds and best intents."
Wow think about this. As the Father He made you and adopted you into His family.
As the Son He thought you were worth dying for. As the Spirit, He chooses to live within you. Wow.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
It has been awhile
Oh blog I have ignored you. It has been awhile since I posted anything. It is not that I don't have anything to say but what do I want to say for others to read.
I have been out around the county taking pictures. I have been home sewing and playing with Katie Ann and Lucky, my cats. I have been going to doctor appointments. I have been worshiping my God who sees me for what He wants me to be. Ok that came from the devotional I have started reading.
It is one of the best times in the Pacific Northwest. We get to see blue skies, snow covered mountains both the Olympics and the Cascades. Throw in Puget Sound. So many different shades of blue, with white caps on the water at times.
Now add the brilliant colors of the trees and grass. So many different greens. Some dark green others yellow light green. With the flowers colors that add an assortment of colors, Red, purple, blue, yellow. Light or dark. Others mixed colors. All painted by God.
There is so much I want to take pictures of. I have been trying to take more people pictures. I just am not comfortable with that but people have been encouraging me.
I have been out walking more but still have pain. I really hope that I get results from tests soon.
So back to real life. Trying to live for God, serving Him and showing Him to others.
I have been out around the county taking pictures. I have been home sewing and playing with Katie Ann and Lucky, my cats. I have been going to doctor appointments. I have been worshiping my God who sees me for what He wants me to be. Ok that came from the devotional I have started reading.
It is one of the best times in the Pacific Northwest. We get to see blue skies, snow covered mountains both the Olympics and the Cascades. Throw in Puget Sound. So many different shades of blue, with white caps on the water at times.
Now add the brilliant colors of the trees and grass. So many different greens. Some dark green others yellow light green. With the flowers colors that add an assortment of colors, Red, purple, blue, yellow. Light or dark. Others mixed colors. All painted by God.
There is so much I want to take pictures of. I have been trying to take more people pictures. I just am not comfortable with that but people have been encouraging me.
I have been out walking more but still have pain. I really hope that I get results from tests soon.
So back to real life. Trying to live for God, serving Him and showing Him to others.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Is normal ever gonna come back?
I so want to feel normal. I have been home sick since Monday afternoon. Any time I look up or sit up I get dizzy. Went to Urgent Care on Tuesday on the advice of my Dr. and He was the attending Dr. Ok he is a PA but having my dr leave He is the one assigned and I do like him. So an inner ear problem diagnosed and pills to not make me dizzy have left me feeling so different. I don't like it. I have no energy, and naps are looked forward to.
Now it is Thursday and I had to call out for Friday so wanting human contact. My cats have been entertainment as well as heating pads during naps. I want to be normal. I want the world to stop spinning around when I get up.
Ok rambling done.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
A day of the year I just don't like
Have you a day that you just don't like? April 5th is that for me. Ok the good is my nephew Ben was born on the 5th of April. 30 years ago.
The not so good. When I was in first grade I hurt my ankle playing on a log with the neighbor boy. I got off and it rolled on my ankle and a knot went down to the bone. So 7 internal and 7 external stitches later I got to hop around for a few days.
Then in 1982 on April 5th I was playing basketball at youth group and came down on the side of my ankle and pulled the ligaments. So crutches for a week and then a walking cast for 5 weeks, and graduation coming up I hated the cast. The old plaster one.
Then in 1996 again on April 5th my Plymouth Voyager, my first new car. Even though it was 10 years old got totaled when a man hit me. Oh how I miss the van.
Last year on April 5th I had to put my kitten Kyzer down. The first pet I had to make the decision to put down. RIP Kyzer.
I really don't hate the day just don't care for it.
The not so good. When I was in first grade I hurt my ankle playing on a log with the neighbor boy. I got off and it rolled on my ankle and a knot went down to the bone. So 7 internal and 7 external stitches later I got to hop around for a few days.
Then in 1982 on April 5th I was playing basketball at youth group and came down on the side of my ankle and pulled the ligaments. So crutches for a week and then a walking cast for 5 weeks, and graduation coming up I hated the cast. The old plaster one.
Then in 1996 again on April 5th my Plymouth Voyager, my first new car. Even though it was 10 years old got totaled when a man hit me. Oh how I miss the van.
Last year on April 5th I had to put my kitten Kyzer down. The first pet I had to make the decision to put down. RIP Kyzer.
I really don't hate the day just don't care for it.
Friday, March 30, 2012
So last weekend I got the prividlege to take pictures at my friends, daughters wedding. I got to do my favorite activity. Photography.
Rehearsal had family members and the wedding party. Fun times and set up.
The Groom |
The Bride |
The couple |
The girls |
the guys |
In the woods |
Fun times for the camera |
Mr and Mrs |
the color purple |
first dance |
With a full day of activities the pictures, the wedding, the reception. Take down. All were tired but very happy.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Life's Ups and Downs
What a week so far. It has been emotionally up and down.
Monday was pretty good. I got a route out of Smokey Point and saw people I have not seen in awhile.
Tuesday was going pretty good. I got to have lunch with Carla. Let's just say lunch was fun.
We all have people in our lives that care enough to make you look them in the eye while they lecture you. Yes that happened at lunch. Thank you Judy for caring so much you pulled the Mother Card out and lectured.
Yes I know I need to take care of me but sometimes I can tolerate pain very well. Not for 8 months. The dull constant pain just wears on you. To say the least I had a very bad attitude the rest of the day. I did get a appointment scheduled.
Wednesday totally uneventful. Day went well. Night slept well.
Then Thursday happened. I had my Dr appointment for 4:20 today and had to get more lab work done before that so I only worked a half a day. Got to Group Health and picked up prescriptions and got the ticket for the lab. Waited for 10 minutes. During that time I got a call from Group Health my Dr went home sick and my appointment would have to be rescheduled. So go the lab work done. To vials of blood taken. Then down the hall to the Dr window. The next appointment he had was for a week from Friday (30th). I took it. Really, you call to reschedule and when you do it is a week away. I am not looking forward to the unanswered pain.
Emotionally, I finally allowed my self to break down and cry, scream, slam doors, and love my cats.
I relive some of the stress I needed to go to Snohomish and get cat food. Bridges Pets is like a small zoo. I picked up the food and then just wandered. As I wandered my phone beeped. My sister texted to see what was up. I told her and she gave me permission to scream. As I went into the reptile room the worker there was pulling out the python, he asked if I would like to hold it. I did. What an experience. The last snake I held was a garter snake. I toured the fish section and wandered out to the birds and rodents. They had a couple of dogs. Bought my stuff and headed to the car. I needed something to eat.
Drove to Lake Stevens and visited Taco Time. While there my friend texted me. I have to say she is the one person I can talk to even if it is text or email.
So with my sister, My best friend, all my coworkers and cousin all supporting me I still needed to scream. Of to Langus park.
I will usually walk here with my camera, but no camera today. I used this time to walk with God and have a conversation. It was productive and very tiring.
There are sometimes in my life that I don't like being alone. This is one. A shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. I know that my family and friends are there but I hate to ask. So with a teddy bear and two cats a good cry. Things are looking up.
God is so good for the people in my life. Thank you all
Monday was pretty good. I got a route out of Smokey Point and saw people I have not seen in awhile.
Tuesday was going pretty good. I got to have lunch with Carla. Let's just say lunch was fun.
We all have people in our lives that care enough to make you look them in the eye while they lecture you. Yes that happened at lunch. Thank you Judy for caring so much you pulled the Mother Card out and lectured.
Yes I know I need to take care of me but sometimes I can tolerate pain very well. Not for 8 months. The dull constant pain just wears on you. To say the least I had a very bad attitude the rest of the day. I did get a appointment scheduled.
Wednesday totally uneventful. Day went well. Night slept well.
Then Thursday happened. I had my Dr appointment for 4:20 today and had to get more lab work done before that so I only worked a half a day. Got to Group Health and picked up prescriptions and got the ticket for the lab. Waited for 10 minutes. During that time I got a call from Group Health my Dr went home sick and my appointment would have to be rescheduled. So go the lab work done. To vials of blood taken. Then down the hall to the Dr window. The next appointment he had was for a week from Friday (30th). I took it. Really, you call to reschedule and when you do it is a week away. I am not looking forward to the unanswered pain.
Emotionally, I finally allowed my self to break down and cry, scream, slam doors, and love my cats.
I relive some of the stress I needed to go to Snohomish and get cat food. Bridges Pets is like a small zoo. I picked up the food and then just wandered. As I wandered my phone beeped. My sister texted to see what was up. I told her and she gave me permission to scream. As I went into the reptile room the worker there was pulling out the python, he asked if I would like to hold it. I did. What an experience. The last snake I held was a garter snake. I toured the fish section and wandered out to the birds and rodents. They had a couple of dogs. Bought my stuff and headed to the car. I needed something to eat.
Drove to Lake Stevens and visited Taco Time. While there my friend texted me. I have to say she is the one person I can talk to even if it is text or email.
So with my sister, My best friend, all my coworkers and cousin all supporting me I still needed to scream. Of to Langus park.
I will usually walk here with my camera, but no camera today. I used this time to walk with God and have a conversation. It was productive and very tiring.
There are sometimes in my life that I don't like being alone. This is one. A shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. I know that my family and friends are there but I hate to ask. So with a teddy bear and two cats a good cry. Things are looking up.
God is so good for the people in my life. Thank you all
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Nervous Times
So off to ramble/
Some stuff going on in my life have me worried, nervous, not sure of myself. My friends daughter is getting married this weekend and she has asked me to take pictures.
It is not as if I have not taken pictures of events but I don't think I take good pictures of people.
Give me a flower or scenery or animal and I love to take shots of those.
When I take pictures of people take quite a few with the thought that one might be good.
I can get shots when it is unexpected,
Some stuff going on in my life have me worried, nervous, not sure of myself. My friends daughter is getting married this weekend and she has asked me to take pictures.
It is not as if I have not taken pictures of events but I don't think I take good pictures of people.
Give me a flower or scenery or animal and I love to take shots of those.
When I take pictures of people take quite a few with the thought that one might be good.
Julien |
but people posing shots not so good.
The day of the wedding I only will be taking pictures to supplement the photographer. I just have to look at it as a fun time. Getting to see people I don't know get stressed. Watching the little ones just be themselves around relatives from out of town. I just hope that I can do good.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Nothing to Prove
Nothing to Prove by Phillips, Craig and Dean
Has a song lyrics ever affected you to the point that you just wanted others to know about them.
This song has for me. It has made me think alot about what my parents have taught me and how it has affected who I have become. It also brought back some great memories. Thank you mom and dad.
Has a song lyrics ever affected you to the point that you just wanted others to know about them.
This song has for me. It has made me think alot about what my parents have taught me and how it has affected who I have become. It also brought back some great memories. Thank you mom and dad.
Nothing to Prove
You taught me how to ride a bike.
How to swim and how to fish
To see a star and make a wish
Said its ok to make mistakes
Just don't get stuck in yesterday
Forgive, forget and move ahead
"Cause life is what you're livin' in
Now you're gone and all I have
Are memories I hold dear
But if I am quiet I hear your voice
Still ringing in my ears
Saying live with no excuse
Love with no regrets
Laugh a lot and leave this life
With nothing left unsaid
Make this world a better place
Don't be afraid to cry
When it's finally time to say goodbye
There's nothing to prove,
Nothing to lose
Nothing to hide
You said life cannot be measured by
The place you live, the car you drive
The thing that counts the day you die
Is who you are and what's inside
So tell the truth, don't ever lie
Integrity at any price
Your word's your bond, your highest prize
So guard it closely with your life
So many things I learned from you
About life and love and play
But I learned more by how you lived
Then what I heard you say
Saying live with no excuse
Love with no regrets
Laugh a lot and leave this life
With nothing left unsaid
Make this world a better place
Don't be afraid to cry
When it's finally time to say goodbye
There's nothing to prove,
Nothing to lose
Nothing to hide
I only want to live with no regret
I laugh alot and I leave this life
With nothing unsaid
Make this world a better place
Don't be afraid to cry
When it's finally time to say goodbye
There's nothing to prove,
Nothing to lose
Nothing to hide
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Rambling of the week
So, I am not one for posting creative posts. As my blog title says I ramble.
So here I ramble on
Today might not be to different. I just have a long week and a long February ( no pun intended to this being leap year).
I found out this week that a friend and coworker is moving out of state. She was a partner in crimes (hanging out). Will miss her but with technology we will be able to keep in touch. After all she is one that once in awhile I can beat on words with friends.
This week I also got to meet a new Dr. Mine at Group Health moved on to better things for him not for me. So the new Dr is going to be great. I don't like Dr's to much since 1st grade. I know long time to hold a grudge but you get stitches without being numb. Both internal and external stitches with my dad holding me down. It has taken me a long time to like to go to the Dr. I have gotten better I have only kicked one Dr so far and it was his fault standing where he was when he tried to drain a cyst that was not a cyst and it hurt like heck. My reflexes worked. I kneed him. Dr Lenny Smith is actually a PA. He really listened and reviewed my chart. I did notice that he could not spell well on the computer. We laughed about that Drs are known for bad hand writing but bad spelling on the computer is that not what spell checker is for?
I have had problems for 5 months so far and he is the first to not immediately go to appendix. I had a CT scan in October and they said it was a cyst. Dr Smith is thinking it is fibroids. So on to an ultrasound. A visit coming up to Group Health in Bellevue. In the mean time I am getting really tired of the pain.
So Sunday, after church, lunch and running a errands I came home and was on my bed playing with Katie. The next thing I saw was the clock reading 3:20 AM I slept for almost 12 hours. Guess I was tired and tired of fighting the pain.
It is funny all the different comments people have when you say you have had abdominal pain for 6 months on and off. Yes, I am getting ready to enter the great menopause, Yes I still have all the female organs, Yes, I still have my appendix, Yes, they have checked and rechecked for kidney problems and stones. and Yes, my gall bladder is there and no stones. I am just so ready for someone to tell me what is causing the pain and do something about it.
So that's my ramble.
So here I ramble on
Today might not be to different. I just have a long week and a long February ( no pun intended to this being leap year).
I found out this week that a friend and coworker is moving out of state. She was a partner in crimes (hanging out). Will miss her but with technology we will be able to keep in touch. After all she is one that once in awhile I can beat on words with friends.
This week I also got to meet a new Dr. Mine at Group Health moved on to better things for him not for me. So the new Dr is going to be great. I don't like Dr's to much since 1st grade. I know long time to hold a grudge but you get stitches without being numb. Both internal and external stitches with my dad holding me down. It has taken me a long time to like to go to the Dr. I have gotten better I have only kicked one Dr so far and it was his fault standing where he was when he tried to drain a cyst that was not a cyst and it hurt like heck. My reflexes worked. I kneed him. Dr Lenny Smith is actually a PA. He really listened and reviewed my chart. I did notice that he could not spell well on the computer. We laughed about that Drs are known for bad hand writing but bad spelling on the computer is that not what spell checker is for?
I have had problems for 5 months so far and he is the first to not immediately go to appendix. I had a CT scan in October and they said it was a cyst. Dr Smith is thinking it is fibroids. So on to an ultrasound. A visit coming up to Group Health in Bellevue. In the mean time I am getting really tired of the pain.
So Sunday, after church, lunch and running a errands I came home and was on my bed playing with Katie. The next thing I saw was the clock reading 3:20 AM I slept for almost 12 hours. Guess I was tired and tired of fighting the pain.
It is funny all the different comments people have when you say you have had abdominal pain for 6 months on and off. Yes, I am getting ready to enter the great menopause, Yes I still have all the female organs, Yes, I still have my appendix, Yes, they have checked and rechecked for kidney problems and stones. and Yes, my gall bladder is there and no stones. I am just so ready for someone to tell me what is causing the pain and do something about it.
So that's my ramble.
Friday, February 17, 2012
The Good, the Bad, and the President
Have you ever had that kind of day that was going just along fine then someone says something and it goes to bad?
Well my Friday started out good. My route was a fun morning. I love going up to Lake Goodwin and then into Arlington to go back to Everett and finished in Bothell. Headed back to base, which is west of Paine Field, Parked my bus and went into the building,
Out on our grass area that over looks the north end of Paine Field all waiting to see Airforce One to land. I was people watching more than looking forward to see the plane land. All of sudden they all turned and looked North, raised the cell phones to take pictures of the plane. Yes a 747 with the United States of America on it's side and the president inside. I did not even take pictures. Unusual for me I love to take pictures. As soon as it landed everyone started to leave.
That was the start of lunch. Lunch was uneventful, visited with coworkers then going out on my 2nd half. It was not a hard one but towards the end of the day some said something that just blew to day to the bad side.
In my profession we are required to report abuse, Any kind of abuse, child or elder. Well someone said something that I had to report.
I don't think of myself as empathetic or compassionate but I feel for the elderly that are taken abuse at the hands of someone that is paid to care for them. So I guess I am just a person that Love God and wants to see that everyone is treated fairly, without harm.
Well my Friday started out good. My route was a fun morning. I love going up to Lake Goodwin and then into Arlington to go back to Everett and finished in Bothell. Headed back to base, which is west of Paine Field, Parked my bus and went into the building,
Out on our grass area that over looks the north end of Paine Field all waiting to see Airforce One to land. I was people watching more than looking forward to see the plane land. All of sudden they all turned and looked North, raised the cell phones to take pictures of the plane. Yes a 747 with the United States of America on it's side and the president inside. I did not even take pictures. Unusual for me I love to take pictures. As soon as it landed everyone started to leave.
That was the start of lunch. Lunch was uneventful, visited with coworkers then going out on my 2nd half. It was not a hard one but towards the end of the day some said something that just blew to day to the bad side.
In my profession we are required to report abuse, Any kind of abuse, child or elder. Well someone said something that I had to report.
I don't think of myself as empathetic or compassionate but I feel for the elderly that are taken abuse at the hands of someone that is paid to care for them. So I guess I am just a person that Love God and wants to see that everyone is treated fairly, without harm.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Fun News
My friend and fellow blogger Jeanne at The View from the Hisey Peak awarded my rambling blog with the Versatile Blogger Award! Whoo Hoo! Thank you Jeanne!!!
There are 3 rules to be followed:
1: Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post!
2: Share seven random things about yourself.
3: Nominate 5 other bloggers and let them know about it.
1. I love to curl up and forget the world and get lost in a good book.
2. I would do anything for someone if I am able to at any time, just ask me
3. I don't have a favorite season, I love them all.
4. I will go out of the way to take pictures. This includes walks around town and parks. What a great way to to pray and thank God for His beautiful country,.
6. I am known to just get in the car and drive with no destination in mind just to get away. Be looking I might just stop by.
7. I love Sundays, Starting with worshiping God at church, To lunch with my family of friends, to spending the evening hanging out with them. Thank Jeanne and Timothy. .
I would like to bestow this prestigious award to the following bloggers:
Amy over at: Cheese Curds in Fargo
Laura over at: laura living aloud
Becca over at: Just Us
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