It is my favorite for my Dad and I would go to the Auto show in the Kingdome. Hearing the ads this year just made me think of Dad.
1984 In the Kingdome walking among the new cars. I was 20 years old and working my first real job. My dad and I were just spending a Friday evening out.
Entering the Kingdome you see all the shiny cars, trucks and neon signs from all the dealerships. We start walking. Open car doors, looking inside at all the 1985 new cars when my eyes landed on a 1985 Plymouth Voyager gray with blue interior. I spend over an hour looking at everything about this car. Mind you I was not out to buy but dream yes.
Why would a 20 year old female want a 7 passenger minivan? I just did.
We looked some more and came back to the minivan. This time I left my name with the dealer and we went home.
The phone rang early Saturday morning. The dealership, The minivan was advertised in auto section of the Seattle Times and if I came down to the dealership I could test drive the minivan from the Kingdome. My dad and I left for North Seattle. I drove the minivan, I drooled over the minivan and dad said to me " you can use the dodge dart for trade in, and I will cosign a loan."
I was in awe, I was going in debt, I was getting a brand new minivan.
I had it 11 years when it got totaled in an accident.
My dad use to like to go to the auto show and home shows. Of course to tag along has given me some great memories.
As for the sad November is the month that my dad died. In 1995 He went home to heaven to join my mom.
Thank you Dad for the awesome memories.