

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas past and present

Been thinking about what Christmas was like as a kid.

Fresh tree smell, decorating the fireplace mantel with the village and train. The train ran from one side of the fireplace to the other and back. My dad had made a shelf that ran below the mantel for the train. Putting the village houses and people, trees, and animals up was fun. I remember rearranging things just to bug my brothers and sisters.

The tree, a real tree, not a fake one. Ornaments that we as kids made, ones that mom and grandma made and the ones with our names on it from Auntie Buster. Mine is red. After the decorations and light are on and working then came the tinsel. Oh how I hated and still do. Tinsel the little strips of aluminum that mom required to be put on one at a time. One at a time are you kidding. I liked to take a little handful and toss on a branch. Only to be told to get it off and one at a time. Taking it of is not any better. Had to take it of and store it for next year. Oh Joy.

Christmas eve was the last minute of secret wrappings, me being excited. We would have sandwiches, potatoe salad, baked beans. Then sent to bed kinda early. That was a special time for me. I got to sleep upstairs. Yes upstairs in my sisters room. That was some fun times.
Early Christmas morning I got sent downstairs to see what Santa brought. So tip toeing past my oldest sisters room, which was at the top of the squeaky stairs, that made it fun to sneak past her. Down the stairs and out the door. On to the living room. Did Santa come, did he eat the cookies and take the carrots? Trying to be so quiet but having to turn on a light. Boy is that click loud. There under the tree some packages with our names on them. Hmm unwrapped, what did I get, then having to remember what my sibling got. That was hard I wanted to play with mine. But back upstairs to report the findings. Now the hard part began. The waiting until it was time to go back downstairs. Can I just say the my sister Pam made it difficult on Christmas morning. We could open our socks and play with the Santa gifts but had to wait until all of us were up. Mom with the coffee and dad in his recliner and my sister Pam in bed reading until at least 7 am. Sheer torture to a 6 year old. Who could stay in bed and read???? Pam did.

Finally the presents are opened and play time has started. Naps taken and then dinner. Sometimes we had relatives over and other times it was just us.

Now I don't put a tree up. No room but some decorations are out. Christmas Eve service at church. Love that it is a service of listening to members of the congregation display their musical talents.

Home for the rest of evening. Christmas morning with my brother and his family. This year we get to celebrate Jesus's birthday on Sunday. Then on to my adopted family Christmas.

Every year my sister Nancy and I get to celebrate Christmas again with our friends from Poulsbo. Doug and Paula. I have known them since I was 14.

Through the years I have become more ready to give then receive. Hmm... must be getting older.

Merry Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2011

The night sky

So it has been a long while since I blogged. Now is the time to start again.

I was outside and looked up. The dark sky. Some stars shining, a sliver of moon, and the shadows of the Cascade Mountains.

I think back to when Jesus was born. It is that time of year. Christmas, celebrate the birth of Jesus. Family and friends gather together.

But back to the night sky. I got to thinking what the shepherds must have been thinking when the angels came to tell them of the birth. Looking at the Cascades, on this cold night. A fire to keep warm. On alert for danger to the sheep. When suddenly an angel appeared and started talking to them. Personally that probably would have scared me. They listened to that angel. When the angel was done talking suddenly there were a multitude of angels praising God.

Could you imagine what that must have sounded like. The voices praising God so wonderfully. It must have so great for those shepherd. We hear music and think it is good, but to have God's chorus of angels........

Then the stars. If you go out and look up you see stars, little and big dipper and all the consulations but that bright large shining star. A star that lights up the sky and land. That would lead people to Jesus.

Oh I cannot wait to see Jesus and find out what it was like.

Random thoughts on different subjects can be fun.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Pleasant day

What a lazy sunny pleasant day.
Sleeping in even for an hour is so good. Waking up to sunshine and blue skies a bonus. Spending the morning with sister and two nieces garage saling. Why is it I bought the most? I found a soup tourin in my pattern of dishes, a present for my great niece and batting for the ladies at church.
Time in the car with laughter and whining. Now out to Snohomish for cat food and then I think Cold Stone Ice Cream is in the works.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hard long thoughts.

So a blog about something that has been on my little mind for a few years.
Prayer for so many different needs and wants are petitioned daily to God and He answers in His time with an answer that may not be what we want.
We pray for health, wealth, family, and the list continues on with unlimitless requests.
One that is frequent is for a women to be able to conceive. God wants us to be fruitful and multiple but there are times that this does not happen.
I have no regrets about not having kids. I have had the privilege to be involved in many lives through out the years. Many that have come to know God and serve Him.
My regret, unanswered pray or answered in a way I don't like is for a spouse. I don't see how God has used this in my life except I have patience. Sometimes I think that I am not a person that someone would like to spend time with. Other times I feel who cares, I am who I am with a love for God and family and friends.
Being single I have had the privilege of observing marriages. To watch how they interact and show their love and frustrations with their best friends the spouse. I am so thankful that I don't feel like I am a third wheel with my friends. I am included and love them for that.
I miss coming home and only my cat to greet me and have dinner with me. There are times I would love to have a shoulder to cry on or just to spend quiet time with.
I do love that my cat Katie will be at the window when I pull in and at the door as soon as I open it.
There have been a few times in the past three or four years that I have really broken down about
being alone.
The first was when I realized that I never had the chance to be a friend to my mom, only her child. Mom died when I was 18. I have women in my life who have been the mother figure for me. Paula was my Sunday school teacher in high school and is a dear friend who is a phone call away. I have been adopted by a wonderful lady Gladys. She is there for all her girls and has so much wisdom. So thankful for these woman.
I see my friends interact with their mothers and at times get jealous. I think I hide it well but it comes out sometimes. I can say I do not like mother/daughter teas at church but I go. I have had the privilege to be a mom for the tea to other girls who share their mom.
The second one was after I was assaulted at work. It was later in the evening and going home to an empty house was scary for me. I could have called a friend and they would have been there but I was embarrassed to even tell them what happened. My teddy bear was the shoulder I cried on. Teddy has seen alot of tears throughout the years.
The third was last Christmas at my family Christmas. My sister every year takes a picture of each family in front of the Christmas tree. Seeing all my siblings with their family and me alone really hit hard last year and I was not very nice to my sister. A few days later I was able to tell her what was bugging me. She said she never thought about me being alone.
Most people don't. I can hide it well, it just comes out at times. How many times do you think about your single friends. Look at some of the holidays. Valentines day are not for singles. I will never be a mother so Mothers day is out. I have wonderful friends and family who are there so I don't miss to much at holidays.
The fourth was last summer at a women's retreat. Hearing the women talk about their husbands and the kids with all the good and laughter. I could not join in. Oh how the evil jealously was on my heart. So with the jealously and recently I had stopped a relationship and was dealing with that too. My thought and tears on my best friends shoulder on the beach was when I finally realized that God has something planned and I don't know what it is but my patience runs out at times.
I know that I am God's workmanship and He will use me and my life to do His will and I will try not to be impatience and accept His will.
So friends I might be calling for a shoulder to cry on or a spider to remove from my apartment or a jar to open. I will try not to be so stubborn and not ask for help. I keep getting reminded that their helping my might be a blessing to others. So God do Your will in my life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


With summer in season so much to look forward to.
Garage sales with family and friends trying to find that something special. Ok someone elses garbage.
Driving around the state seeing it in it's finest green, since we have had rain this year.
Camping out in a tent with church group. Laughter will be at it best here. : )
Fresh fruits and vegetables out for sale and for the picking.
Just sitting on the beach and doing nothing but watching Gods wonders unfold in a beautiful sunset over the Olympic Mountains.
Exploring the Snohomish riverfront antique stores.
Now off to a drive and garage sale.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 4th past and present

In my life I have enjoyed celebrating the Fourth of July.
Growing up on Puget Sound the beach was our playground.
A dock that when the tide came in you could jump off. Wide open areas of sands for drawing on. Looking for shells and rocks. Of course using kelp as whips on our make believe horses.
We had family come over as well as friends. An Aunt and Uncle would come up from Oregon with their travel trailor and camp in our yard for a couple of weeks.
The start of the day setting up for the picnic. Yummy food and BBQ. Many friends and relatives over the years. From young to the Grandmas, the dogs begging for food from the tables.
I loved to rest in the picnic baskets.
Swimming or just standing around in the water as it came in over the warm sand. Just splashing iin the water and getting wet was fun.
We also went out in the boats or had something to float on. I still love being in water. There is something about just walking the beach ankle deep in the water and viewing all that is there.
The pyromaniacs dream starting the fire and shooting of the fireworks.
As dusk falls the fire gets started, Graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate bars with the perfect stick for roasting the marshmallow to golden brown, OK burnt. I love smooshing t
he graham crackers together and the chocolaty googy mess drips out, but I really don't like eating them.
Now is the time of night for the fireworks. My brothers could put on a pretty good show.
Present day Fourth has been somewhat the same but different in a very good way.
Everett puts on a pretty good Fourth of July festival. Saarting with the Yankee Doodle Dash

thru town to the parade and ending with fireworks both on the waterfront and at the stadium after the Aquasoxs game.
Having fun with friends, picnic foods, fireworks all make for a busy day.
God Bless America.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I am confused again.

Why does life situations have to become a puzzle that does not have all the pieces? Why does your mind always have to give more than one answer, the right and the wrong?

I know that I have opened a can of worms and have tried to bottle it up but one worm keeps slipping out. Do I catch the worm and put it back or step on it and crush it?

I know I should forgive and forget but it comes back in small doses when totally unexpected and that makes it hard to forgive.

How do you get a word in edge wise when the other always talks or writes long?

Why is it hard to ask for someone to take time to talk to you? I hate to do that, so blogging I go.

On another note: Had a great day out with my sister Nancy and Elizabeth yard saling and the went to Goodwill outlet with Heather and the boys. Fun time.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A look back in time rambling

As my niece graduates high school this past week I think back to my 18th year to the present.

I was 17 when I graduated high school because of my August birthday. Fresh out of school and looking forward to community college I signed up to be a camp counselor. This was the first year our Presbytery had camp for 1-6 grades and high school and college age were counselors.

So at 5 mile lake in Auburn we went. I was in charge of the boats, ok canoes. I got to meet all the kids during afternoon free time and help them in the canoes. Over looking the swimming area and getting plenty of sun reflecting of "root beer lake" I was very happy. Root beer lake because the water reflected the bottom back light brown, with alot of lilly pads.

It was so much fun. The kids were eager for the most part to come to camp and learn about God.
I was a counselor for 13 years and got to know the kids and see them grow up and come back as counselors. So many I still see at church and on facebook. I have seen some grow up and serve the Lord in missions, so marry and have a family. Others making choices that are not the best.

Over the years my cabin seemed to be the girls from Westminster Church even though I attended Hillcrest. God knew what he was doing. I attend Westminster now and have for 19 years.

One of the girls grew up and married my nephew.

Some of the kids came from home situations that were not the best and to see them have a ball and hear the word of God, some for the first time, come to accept the Lord as there personal savior it the best reward of the week.

There is nothing like the great outdoor to run in, play in, swim in and of course throw water balloons in. Every Friday we would have a big water balloon fight. Kids and adults were all wet and tired but feeling so energized.
On Saturday we would have a program for the parents and camp life came to an end. Back home to the everyday life and work or school.

Being a counselor gave me the courage to teach Sunday school and even go on a mission trip. God knows what He is doing.

You can understand some of the decision or paths God has had for you when you look back and reflect on your life.

A look back in time rambling

As my niece graduates high school this past week I think back to my 18th year to the present.

I was 17 when I graduated high school because of my August birthday. Fresh out of school and looking forward to community college I signed up to be a camp counselor. This was the first year our Presbytery had camp for 1-6 grades and high school and college age were counselors.

So at 5 mile lake in Auburn we went. I was in charge of the boats, ok canoes. I got to meet all the kids during afternoon free time and help them in the canoes. Over looking the swimming area and getting plenty of sun reflecting of "root beer lake" I was very happy. Root beer lake because the water reflected the bottom back light brown, with alot of lilly pads.

It was so much fun. The kids were eager for the most part to come to camp and learn about God.
I was a counselor for 13 years and got to know the kids and see them grow up and come back as counselors. So many I still see at church and on facebook. I have seen some grow up and serve the Lord in missions, so marry and have a family. Others making choices that are not the best.

Over the years my cabin seemed to be the girls from Westminster Church even though I attended Hillcrest. God knew what he was doing. I attend Westminster now and have for 19 years.

One of the girls grew up and married my nephew.

Some of the kids came from home situations that were not the best and to see them have a ball and hear the word of God, some for the first time, come to accept the Lord as there personal savior it the best reward of the week.

There is nothing like the great outdoor to run in, play in, swim in and of course throw water balloons in. Every Friday we would have a big water balloon fight. Kids and adults were all wet and tired but feeling so energized.
On Saturday we would have a program for the parents and camp life came to an end. Back home to the everyday life and work or school.

Being a counselor gave me the courage to teach Sunday school and even go on a mission trip. God knows what He is doing.

You can understand some of the decision or paths God has had for you when you look back and reflect on your life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Challenge

We are all on the internet, texting, im ing, twittering, and of course blogging. When was the last time you wrote a letter?
I mean by your hand, with a pen, on paper?
Last night at Bible study the lesson ended with Write a letter to Jesus. With the instruction "Don't just pray but write because there is something special about writing it down."
So I wrote Jesus a letter.
What a better way to relive your day seeing how He made it so special. I just rambled my way through the day. I am so thankful for a loving God being so important in my life.
We learned that God gave His all for us His son and we should give our all for Him. How many times do we just do what we want with no thought of what God wants done?
Even though we are taking our time getting through the book in bible study there is so much I have learned and have applied in my life.
So I challenge you to write a letter to Jesus. Just tell Him about your life.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Victoria cont

So after lunch we walked around more. I loved taking pictures of the flowers.

They are also many older buildings. The Empress,


the different condos and apartment with unique roofs, and windows. Needless to say I took pictures of them too.

As we walked we looked for a bakery for sausage rolls. The English in us coming out.

Walking some more and shopping it was time to go back to the boat.

We had gotten our boarding passes when we got to Victoria so all we had to do was go through customs. I had put my backpack and shopping bag with my camera down on a chair in the lobby to try to organize things In rushing I left my camera on the chair. Thank you to who ever turned it in. So we went thru customs and sat down in a crowded room. As I was putting my passport away I noticed my camera was not there. So went to customs and was sent back to lobby and got my camera. When I went to customs the second time they just let me walk thru with some joking remarks.

On the Victoria Clipper we sat downstairs going home. Right in the bow. Great view of the rain and the dark waters.

I had a great time and want to go up to Canada just to explorer more.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The last month

Time has slipped away. I have been so busy and some times not so busy.

I got to do some great things these last few weeks.

First, Joined a gym. Have been working out a few times a week. It has been fun. Joined with friends. So Saturday mornings we have been going to aquafit. It has is a wet and fun and workout time. I missed one week so I could go to Canada with my sister.

I got a great deal on the Victoria Clipper from Groupon. I took my sister Nancy, who just got her enhanced license. We got up early and drove to Seattle to find the parking garage. I made my niece get up so I could finally give her the birthday present that has been in my car for a few weeks. I don't think she liked having to get up at 5:30 to get it.

Inside the clipper

outside the clipper

We got to the Clipper were 4th in line and yet they had printer problems so we had "old fashion" boarding passes. On the ship we went upstairs for the ride up. So we headed out into the sound. We got to see a super hero. Captain Orca on a jet ski chasing the boat.

After 2 1/2 hours we arrived in Victoria. Oh the buildings with the old look so beautiful

The Empress

Across the harbor

An Inn

We walked and walked. There was a parade

We had lunch ar Red Fish, Blue Fish. A very small joint in a truck cargo carrier on the harbour. Long line but great food.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A week in review.

My week last week seemed so long. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday were just a blur. Thursday started to slow down. Friday, Easter weekend. Good Friday service I enjoyed. With Pastor Fred and Matt sharing the service it just had a good feel to it.

I love Easter songs almost as much as Thanksgiving songs. The older the better.

Saturday errand day. I started taking Katie to the vet for her shots.

Then I had to go to GHC and have lab work done. Still have a bruise from that today.

Some shopping for my secret sister.

Then off to my Great nephew Julien James Nashs 7th birthday party.

At Alfys at Silver Lake a room full of relatives and friends, Julien got lots of Legos and of course other toys too.

Pizza and cake and the worst sung happy birthday later I left for home.

Picked up Katie and off to work to visit.

Sunday. Easter, The Lord has risen. Hmm. I just love that Jesus died and rose for us. The service at church done and off to the Bismore house with Ellie in tow for the rest of the day.

Everyone brings food to share. Jeanne's shrimp pasta salad, Linda's potato salad, Buddy's Mac and cheese. Yummmm.

So now with stomachs full. The egg hunt set up and the hunt is almost ready to begin.

Separated child and adults, the line up has begun. As the kids search in the front yard the adults line up to race to the back yard for their eggs.

One of the hidden eggs.

The young and the adults all look for eggs.

The adults get vicious, hair pulling, shoving, hit with broom, pushed down all are done in the egg hunt. This why I just take pictures.

The found eggs that hide the candy

The candy from the eggs. And you just thought eggs had yolks!!

Not all eggs made it out in one piece. Stepped on egg

Flower from the garden. Tulips are so beautiful.

At the Hiseys after all day for Amazing Race I had my camera and Jeanne's cat Mattie posed fro a couple of pictures.

Mattie looking back at the room after looking outside for awhile.

Then Mattie asleep as the evening wore on.

So a long week ending so nicely with my family of friends. : )

Friday, April 15, 2011

The lessons learned.

I have learned a lesson today. I was used by God just to be at the right place and the right time for someone, a complete stranger, to look at me and say "Do you have a moment to listen?"

I had just pulled up to Providence Medical in Millcreek on the Bothell Everett highway to pick up a guest on my route this afternoon. She was going to be my last person and I did not see her yet. I had parked the bus so it block a silver car. Which turned out to be her daughters.

I could have come up with many reasons not to listen to her but I said I had a few moments. Actually I had until my passenger came out. I just smiled and said "Yes I do."

She started telling why she was there, To pick up papers from her daughter's Doctor. She explained that her daughter had an artificial leg and was dying. The lady continued to talk.

I learned that the car was the last gift from her dad to daughter. Mom lives in Texas and she came up as soon as she got the news that her daughter was not expected to live out the year.

Ten minutes of her just talking about what ever she wanted to my passenger came out to the bus.

The lady from Texas parting words to was "Thank you for taking the time to just listen to a silly old lady. God put you here for me."

I smiled and said " You are so welcomed. May you enjoy these times with your family"

As learned in my Bible study last night we need to play and listen to others in the Jazz music of life. To be in Harmony. I listened and learned so much in this little time.

So as you rush around and avoid people there might be someone who just needs as few minutes to borrow your ear. They don't expect responses but just want to be heard.

I may never see her again but they will be in my prayers.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Saturday at to Oregon Zoo

For Christmas I gave Ellie the gift of going somewhere with Hannah and me. I took her, Hannah and Esther to the Oregon Zoo Saturday.
Up at 6 to pick them up at 7, I arrived at the Hisey's and texted Hannah and Esther. I got call from Hannah she just woke up. I left to get Ellie and would come back. Esther texted and said she had not seen Hannah. I got Ellie and we went back to get them. Out the door they came and went back (forgot something) and came again. We were off.... to get gas and snacks.

Gassed up and snacks bought, Hannah got her make-up on. we were on the road south.

Of course I have to take pictures of plants and flowers too.
One rest stop later, we arrived at the Oregon Zoo. No parking found so we drove around Washington park and back to the parking lot and bingo a parking spot at the zoo.

Star fish and other sea animals throughout the zoo was nice.

Esther in the eagle exhibit.

So after walking around and seeing Lion, Tigers, and Bears. We watched a polar bear dance?? or at least walk to his own beat. Saw the bald eagles, insects, snakes, Hannah got to see the rhino, Esther the Hippo, Ellie the baboons. We headed over to the Lloyd center and walked some more.

Stopped for dinner at Red Robin, then home. Long fun day.

It was the best weekend after a very hard week.